
Hearing Test in Montrose, CO

Doctors now recommend hearing tests more frequently, not only because hearing loss can be an early sign of conditions like Alzheimer’s, but also to establish a baseline hearing level for future comparison. It is suggested that everyone over the age of 40 have a hearing test, and again if there are signs that hearing may be compromised. Early testing helps detect changes and provides valuable insight into hearing health, making it a critical part of your overall wellness routine.

Common Indicators of Hearing Loss

  • Hearing but Not Understanding: If you hear but cannot comprehend what is being said, this is a sign of hearing loss.
  • Difficulty in Background Noise: Struggling to hear in noisy environments is a common issue for those with hearing loss.
  • Frequent Requests for Repeats: If you regularly ask people to repeat themselves, it may indicate hearing problems.
  • Surprised Reactions: If others seem surprised when you miss something, your hearing may not be meeting expectations.
  • Volume Wars: Frequently turning up the volume on devices may signal hearing loss rather than an issue with the equipment.
  • Tinnitus: A ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus, affects 80 percent of individuals with hearing loss.
  • Isolation and Avoidance: If hearing issues cause you to withdraw socially or avoid certain situations, it may indicate hearing loss.

Get Your Hearing Tested Today

Hearing loss can be gradual and often goes unnoticed. A hearing test provides a vital record of your hearing ability and can help with early detection of potential health concerns. Scheduling a hearing exam now allows you to track your hearing health and take proactive steps for better hearing in the future. Call Colorado Hearing at 970-318-2010 for an appointment. Dr. Brian Bennett, Hearing Aid Specialist, is pleased to offer Full Audiologic Examinations in Montrose, Colorado. Call at Colorado Hearing at 970-318-2010 to schedule your appointment today.